
Doug Peoples

Douglas Peoples, 9th Dan

Master Peoples has been teaching martial arts in Norwalk for over 30 years.  Many of our students' parents were taught by Mr. Peoples when they  were children.

Operating in cooperation with Norwalk Parks and Recreation, Norwalk Tang Soo Do is a community-oriented martial arts program.  We do not require long-term contracts.  We generally only test twice a year, and we make every effort to ensure any testing fees are affordable.

Students will learn techniques, self-defense, and forms consistent with traditional Tang Soo Do.  Emphasis is placed on understanding how and why techniques work (or don't work) in real-world situations.  We also discuss how to avoid these situations in the first place!

See the following feature in The Hour for more background on Master Peoples:

Norwalk Old-Timers - He's a Peoples person

Lisa Crosby-Bohacs

Lisa Crosby-Bohacs, 5th Dan

Favorite technique:  Roundhouse kick

Favorite form: Sip Soo

Mrs. Bohacs has studied Tang Soo Do since the age of 14She previously ran the Wilton Tang Soo Do program and continues to serve as a guest instructor in Norwalk.

Jason Iannacone

Jason Iannacone, 5th Dan

Favorite technique: Jump spinning hook kick

Favorite form: Jin Tae

Mr. Iannacone began studying Tang Soo do at age 8.  He also studies Aikido and Brazilian Jujitsu.

Nick Terranova

Nick Terranova, 3rd Dan

Favorite technique:  Backfist

Favorite form:  Pyung Ahn Oh Dan

Mr. Terranova began studying at age 11 and reached 1st Dan under Mrs. Bohacs in Wilton.  He later joined the Norwalk class, achieving 3rd Dan and continuing to instruct under Mr. Peoples.

Ted Beauregard

Ted Beauregard, 3rd Dan

Favorite technique:  Jumping side kick

Favorite form:  Bassai Dai

Mr. Beauregard has studied under Mr. Peoples since the age of 14.  The tradition has been passed on to his daughter, who now holds the rank of Apprentice Black Belt.